Hey, Sismicious here.
I recently came across the comments we had on the Legend of Krystal forums and realized a lot of people, as well as here, found the last body template I made too childish. I know I will not be able to fulfill everyone's tastes, but as it's a core element of the game, I'd like to make it approved by the majority before doing anything else.
That's why I made another attempt based on the comments I had.
Don't worry about the quick haircut, just focus on the body. Please drop us a comment just below, or on the LoK forums, or even on my tumblr!

Sismicious te as lucido esta ves, los otros cuerpos no gustaron xD
ReplyDeleteIt's up to everybody!
ReplyDeleteI previously tried to leave some constructive support over on the patron, for the previous body... and I'm sorry that taste for it seemed to be in the minority. Personally, I'm a fan of similar things to your own comments on the LoK page; I really dislike the grossly elongated leggy bimbo kind of look, and i enjoy small and cute. While I didn't think that the previous new model looked underage, as a lot of people wanted to claim, there were some basic anatomical markers I tried to point out....
What I'm noticng on this redesign actually seems much improved in those specific details; the upper to lower body smoothing is vastly improved, and I'm very interested to see this model in animation, to see how it works. Since I'm a big fan of petite and cute, I'm hoping that some of the tricks you mentioned using to create the illusion of more youth will include more pronounced under-development, and maybe some slight scaling (just in a way that can create a visual difference, but not so much that it requires any extra reworking).
Anyhow, I'm all for the smaller, cuter, more petite body frames, and this design looks good, as well as being an anatomical improvement to the eye, over the last build.
Oh, I didn't know you posted something on the patreon. I don't have access to it, unfortunately, and Meismike do not always tell me what's going on there. I'm happy you like it, I tried to make the best of the comments I had.
DeleteI'm waiting a bit to see reactions on the LoK forums too, but it seems we're finally good to go.
If you want to reach me directly to talk about the game art, you can do it here or on my tumblr!
Thanks for the response, i didn't realise you weren't seeing the patron, sorry.
DeleteMy comments there were mostly geared around the visual impression of the models; most of what I had to offer then, on the previous version, seems to have been things you've caught and fixed up yourself anyway, this time around.
I also tried to say that while the model was more cuteified than sexified, it in no way looked 'underage'... and that anyone who thought a female sporting the hip and bust ratio that model has was underage really needed to get some perspective... Even in the previous model, the leg to torso ration was leg-heavy enough to give further impression of age, despite the cute look... which again is something you've smoothed out very well and gotten into good balance with this model.
I'll post my feedback here from now on, especially if it's concerned with the art itself ^.^ more than anything, I'd think it best if you make the game and characters you want. there may be a preponderance of people who like those rather grotesquely unrealistic models that are all leg and tit, and little else, over on the LoK forums... but at the same time, they HAVE a wealth of game material that caters exactly to that taste over there already. Small, petite and cute is good.
My main 'want' in terms of erotic art, though, is truly realistic proportions, and so even if the newest model's build isn't as slight as I'd hope personally, I still like her more than any other you've shown us, because she's by far the most proportionally realistic.
I will add, the feet are still a little... they draw the eye a bit, but at the same time... realistic foot anatomy is HARD, so don't sweat it too much, hehe.
DeleteThanks again Erica, I'm glad you like it. Cute for the win! I might add that beside anatmoy, drawing with pixel is harder indeed. A single one can f*ck up everything. But that's my job to make sure it doesn't ;)
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DeleteDon't worry, I'm not planning to redo the same things over and over, because I simply don't have the time to do it. And I don't like it. I'm just trying to get the best base I can, as said before.
And yes, I'm the same on HF. Thanks for your kindness! I made another thing about fallout shelter on my tumblr if you're interested! (http://sismicious.tumblr.com/post/128339615836/more-tests)
both the last one and this one are good and I'd rather see both in game gives variety.
ReplyDeletethat's really what's needed for a project like this.
but then I thought the original model was perfectly acceptable.
there is a trap artists often fall into in constantly redoing the same things rather than moving forward.
Yes, I know, as it's a trap to listen too much the people. As I said, I'll never make everyone happy, but I can try to please the majority from the start. What I'm trying to do is to create a good base, not improving the previous.
DeleteBut yep, variety will be the key, and once we're all ok with the body template, I'll be able to create all the stuff I thought about!
While you are playing with new bodies the skil of the players went down:
ReplyDeleteThe skill of the girls don't count up in 8 of 10 times.
The market becomes not better - only more expnsive.
And for what the police get bribed?
And how the "fight" will work? The strongest girl went inzo the jail and the weakest girl can fight tem away?
Please, first fix these bugs, than create new bodies.
Thanks for you comment about these parts of the game. Unfortunately, I'm not the good one to talk about it :/
DeleteMeismike is in charge of this stuff, so you might want to reach him to talk about it. I hope he'll see this message. You can try to post this on LoK as well, or if you want more visibility, you can become a patron and ask him directly.
I think you should stick with the original models (or include both) and focus on other aspects of the game (the Dungeon for example :-)). I hope the majority wants the old models but if not, live goes on... Anyway, you've done excellent work, I really like this game (besides the new models :-P, no hard feelings!).
Deletei think the only problem with this body consists in the legs being too distant one to another. in this case, on the img up here, the leg on the left seems to be way too much on the left.
ReplyDeleteShe has worked hard to get that tight gap :D
DeleteBut thank you for your comment ;)
Personaly i like this body and face more. Hands are better (last one had like 4 big fingers, wtf) and face looks less anime, more towards western style of cartoon. But you should definately bring more faces. Try looking something from League of Legends, Witcher, Mass Effect, Borderlands etc (people go berserk when they see something like it, recent project Noxian Nights is a pretty good example of this). Also i would like to see sporty body type, with well developed abdominals, legs and butt, big/small hips variety (this one looks a bit too big imo) etc. I hope you will find this post useful. Good luck!
ReplyDeleteThanks for your ideas!
DeleteWe'll try to implement as much content as we can, but as I said on the LoK forums, I'm afraid we'll use tricks to achieve this, meaning I'll be able to draw abs without problem, but making the hips vary seems difficult. I'll have to see with Meismike if it's possible.
Thanks again.
This one is a lot more... less childish, but still in the too-close-to-freaky-land zone, for my taste. It's the head-to-arms ratio that's doing it, btw. Make the brain connect it to the looks of real children. Like on this picture:
Its from an article about seatbelts, safety and what not but still shows the point - one does get uncomfortable if characters in one's porny game subconsciously bring 2-6 years old to mind...
Wow, the first 2 bodies are incredibly weird. They are definitely not correct. A new born child can humanly not have a body like that x)
DeletePlus, check this out :
Much better than the previous, gotta agree the last one was worryingly childish.
ReplyDeleteThis one still retains the young feel but its clearly much more "mature"
Thanks! (Also, fantastic avatar)
DeleteI like this one. The other one was just fine in my opinion; it didn't appear underage. It, like Miss Eric says, looked simply petite and cute. Regardless, I must say that I like the new body, and I hope to see it in game very soon!
ReplyDeleteThat's nice to hear, thank you!
DeleteVery nice art and would like to see more of this than the random big boobed bimbos (that are still nice from time to time), but the girls with more to offer (personality).
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