Version 2.15 New outfit and private room


For Patrons, we added the slave outfit and a new personal room to the house where you manage your upgrades. You can access it from the room on the top right of the house. Also, as always fixed a bunch of bugs.

For everyone else, we implemented the new UI, and added the office and brothel. The brothel is a temporary fix while we worked on the new stuff for it, and you get to the office by clicking on Bea(the blue girl) in your house. Enjoy!

Free users can enjoy the previous release, 2.1, right here.

If you are having trouble with the version we host on the blog, or if it is to small for you, try or


  1. Hey there I was wondering if you would ever port this to Android as a apk like simbro does with there game would love to play this on the go ;)

    1. I will look into it, no promises though.

    2. I would also like this game to be on android and I phone, i would make a great app. You guys can maybe work something out with MiKandi. Thanks for such a great game and keep up the good work.

    3. Hello. It would be great if you make the click area of most of the button bigger.
      For example, the arrows besides the girls name in many scene(like street). It is hard to click if I play in the small area in the LoK forum.

      I tried to play it with puffin on Android phone. Sometimes it is so hard to tap the buttons. They are too small.

      I'm not telling your designer to make bigger button. Designers hates this kind of request.
      Just the invisible click area.

  2. will the furry type(that where in the other version before)make a comback or will this be a human/futa thing only...

    1. Lots of variations and skin are in prevision, but I need to make the art first, which takes time! So yeah, ears, tails and fur is indeed planned, but it will come later.

  3. -_- soo this is what has happened in the last week... better than every other blog i've seen so far
