Version 0.4 public and 0.41 patreon

0.41 adds police attention. Whenever you work the streets you attract police attention. The higher the police attention, the higher the chances of the girl getting arrested. You can go to the police and bribe them to lay off, and to bail out your girls. It is available here

0.4 Is really nothing more than the ui upgrade. It makes the game look a lot better, cleaner, and a lot less like a steaming pile of garbage. Play the latest version.


  1. Hi there,

    I've just discovered your game through swfchan and I must say that it's been an awesome discovery ^_^
    Both the idea and the game's mechanics are great imo, so I can't wait to see where it goes.

    Keep up the good work sir ;)


    1. Thanks a lot man, glad to see that you like it.

  2. Hey there. The police attention kind of made the game unplayable early on as it doesn't go away on its own and can make earning money nearly impossible since you have to throw all of your earning at the cops constantly.

    1. Thanks for the input. I will make the police interest go down by itself a bit every day, I'll also fiddle with the prices to try and balance it out a bit. As it is right now, it is brutal at the beginning and is just an annoyance at the end.

  3. is there no way to get the older versions of the game to see how far it gotten?
